Project Icarus Update

Looks like it’s moving forward slow and steady.  And sometimes that’s okay for a project that you’re working on the side.  In my case, taking good notes is always key to ensure that when you get back to a project, you can quickly be up and running.

My little project here is project Icarus, a raspberry pi running a docker image with Rhasspy, voice assistant.  I last touched this project about a month ago, but my notes helped me remember that it’s now able to hear the wake word, “Icarus” and is able to decipher the words for the question being asked, in this case “what time is it”.

Last night, I got it working a full round trip!

(1) It recognized it’s name
(2) It heard the question
(3) It replied with my built in reply

“Icarus?” …. beep… “What time is it?” …. beep… “Go find out yourself” (this last response was what I programmed in)

I finished the night taking notes on what happend, how I got the next step working, and what the next step would be if I were gonna try to find time to work on this again.

It’s a slow and steady process, but definitely something that scratches that curiosity itch.

What side projects are you working on?


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