The Time Collector


We all cant just Johnny One Note.  *Execpt for us OneNote users!

But we are complex people and can find inspiriation and entertainment in all sorts of places.  Here’s the latest book I’ve finished, and if you’re into a bit of history, a bit of thriller, a bit of Antiques Roadshow, you’d love this book.  (And for your romantics out there, there’s also a love story arc as well)


Book Review:The Time Collector


When I say Psychometry, what do you think about?  What comes into your head?  If you didn’t know the official definition of the word, it’s the ability to discover facts about an event or person by touching inanimate objects associated with them.  It’s a SUPERPOWER!


This book weaves a nice tale surrounding the use of such powers in a nice thriller package.  The main character Roan has been in the business of being a member of a group of psychometrists for most of his life, and he lives a life of a high earning Indiana Jones, tracking down and finding mundane historical objects that, through his power, actually are objects of major historical significance.  However, psychometrists are disappearing around the world, and he just saw that another woman might have the power without her knowing it.  He’s compelled to warn her, to save her.


The premise is good, the story gets bigger and the characters are interestingly complex and multi-layered.  And in addition to the characters having more depth, the story itself starts to deepen as the characters discover more about who’s behind what’s been going on.


The author was quite good at adding detail among the locations used in this book, New Orleans being one of the most prominent cities portrayed.  Still makes me really want to visit someday.


It’s a fun book, a proverbial “rollercoaster ride” and if you’re looking for something that hits some parts of history, and takes you around the world.  Pick this book up, and you’re in for a treat.  Enjoy!

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